About Us

Welcome to FT News Times!

This is why at www.ftnewstimes.com, we offer precise, swift and highly analytical news that helps you get more informed and engaged than ever before. We want to be your source of news offering thorough and unbiased perspectives on global events and affairs with topics on politics, business, technology, entertainment, sports and many more. Due to our professionalism as a news outlet, we will see to it that our followers get accurate information at all times. 

Our Mission 

This publication aims at educating its readers about what is happening around them so that they can be able to make suitable decisions in the complex world. It is our policy to maintain credibility, honesty and truthfulness in all reports produced in this company. Thus, being a critical link between the utmost leaders in science, politicians, media, and the general public, we strive to contribute towards the establishment and maintenance of the active and informed civil society. 

Our Vision 

Our goal is to create a society in which people are provided with non-biased and truthful information about the events taking place in our society. Thus, we believe that we should be among leaders of this vision working on our constant development and learning about new changes in media world. In a world of lies and fake news, we want to be a light that shines the truth and provides grammability.

What We Cover

  •  Business: Make sure to keep abreast with the information and current trends in the business field. From the latest information in the markets right down to important corporate events, our goal is to deliver information that aids to help comprehend the currents of the global economy. 
  •  Technology: Indeed, in today’s world of fast-growing technologies, our readers will receive exhaustive information on the innovations, trends, and achievements. Our technology articles cover devices, application software, artificial intelligence, and cybersecurity and much more. 
  •  Entertainment: Entertainment news provides the readers with various updates regarding release of new movies, music albums, and television shows as well as celebrity gossip. We provide you with reviews of media you love and interviews with the talent behind them. 
  •  Sports: Football, basketball, cricket and many more are some of the sports that we have in the various categories for the lovers of the games. We have a sports section where you will get real-time updates of the match, and an analysis of the match, and sometimes we are granted interviews with the athletes and the coaches.
  • Biography: In this section we covers biography of famous celebrity and the people about world wants to know.

Our Team 

 FT News Times holds a team of competent journalists, editors, and writers devoted to producing high-quality news. It is important to note that we have a strong team to work with, and for each of the news that we post, we ensure that it meets the standard set by the company in terms of accuracy and fairness. 

Join Our Community 

ftnewstimes. com has always envisioned being a source of community. On this note, we would like to encourage you, the reader, to further participate in our expanding readers’ community through commenting, following our presence on social media, and subscribing to newsletters. Your suggestions and opinions are highly appreciated as a company we would like to make improvements and enhance our services to you.